
Do you pray? Answer honestly. Do you really pray? Have you ever gone to God probably as your last resort and wept to Him, calling on Him, because there isn’t anyone or anywhere else you can go? If you’re a parent, you have probably realized that this is all you have. You can teach your… Continue reading Prayer

Categorized as Spiritiual


I’ll admit I have a hard time with forgiveness. It’s not really the forgiveness part. It’s the forgetting. When I hear a person’s name or see them and know they’ve hurt me or someone I love in the past, I often remember it. I know I can’t be alone in this. But is this what… Continue reading Forgiveness

Categorized as Spiritiual


Psalm 150 1 Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary;    praise him in his mighty heavens.2 Praise him for his acts of power;    praise him for his surpassing greatness.3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,    praise him with the harp and lyre,4 praise him with timbrel and dancing,    praise him with the strings and pipe,5 praise him with the clash of cymbals,    praise him… Continue reading Praise!

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What does this word make you think about? Do you see it as a negative word? If you do, let me see if I can change your mind. When I walk in my neighborhood each day, I listen to Toby Mac radio on the Pandora app. Yes, I know he’s wrapper, but I like his… Continue reading Emptiness

Categorized as Spiritiual

In Hot Water

There are so many chores for us to do! Cleaning, dusting, mopping, sweeping, and laundry. But aren’t you thankful for the modern appliances with which we have to do these things? I am reading a historical novel right now. In it the female character has to use a washtub, washboard, and a troubling stick for… Continue reading In Hot Water

Life and Death

A few years ago, one of my daughters and I were talking. She said, “Mom, I want Jesus to come back, but I still have things I want to do and experience.” I told her I remember feeling that way when I was younger too. However, the older I get, the more I experience in… Continue reading Life and Death


As we approach Christmas day, I can’t help but think about peace. This world is anything but peaceful most of the time. I think we have to work at finding peace in our lives. When Jesus was born, the angels sang “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth, goodwill to men.” Luke… Continue reading Peace

Categorized as Spiritiual


What is it about darkness that we dislike so much?   The earth was dark before God created light.  We like it dark to sleep at night.  Without darkness, we couldn’t see lightning bugs, the stars, or any other light.  Lighthouses lead ships home in the dark.  But things always look worse in the dark of… Continue reading Darkness

Categorized as Spiritiual


Charles Spurgeon once said, “When you feel yourself to be utterly unworthy, you have hit the truth.” Are we utterly unworthy?  What is it that gives us worth?  In whose eyes should we even try to be worthy?  These are all questions that people, especially women, ask themselves. Webster defines worth as:  the value of… Continue reading Unworthy?

Categorized as Spiritiual

Tears in His Bottle

Life has a way of making us cry especially for us women.  We cry when we are happy, sad, depressed, or sometimes for no reason at all than to just ‘let it out.’  In my devotional this morning, I ran across this verse in the Bible from Psalm 56:8 (AMP).  “You have taken account of… Continue reading Tears in His Bottle

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