
Our minister is in the middle of preaching a series on the Lord’s prayer. He’s doing a really great job of it, taking each line and analyzing it with us. We all should pray like Jesus did, daily with the depth of simplicity. It’s not always easy to pray. But I have found during the… Continue reading Hardest

The Haunting

I don’t believe in ghosts. However, I do believe in spirits. There is a spiritual world all around us. Most of the time, we don’t see it. But I do believe there are times it shows itself and we get a glimpse. Some people may think the spirits that we see are ghosts. Perhaps those… Continue reading The Haunting

Lord I Need You!

“Lord, I need You, oh, I need YouEvery hour I need YouMy one defense, my righteousnessOh God, how I need You.”

Psalm 100

 On your feet now—applaud God!    Bring a gift of laughter,    sing yourselves into his presence.  Know this: God is God, and God, God.    He made us; we didn’t make him.    We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.  Enter with the password: “Thank you!”    Make yourselves at home, talking praise.    Thank him. Worship him.  For God is sheer beauty,    all-generous in love,    loyal always and ever. (The Message)

Take Care

Years ago when it first came out, we watched the show Twin Peaks. It is very deep and dark telling the story of a town where a teenage girl was murdered. There is one scene that still haunts me. A demon-possessed man is crawling after a woman. I don’t like to see those kind of… Continue reading Take Care

Farm Life

There are many chores to do on the farm! This time of year, they seem to pick up and there’s more to do than in the winter when things are somewhat idle. As I do some of these chores or watch Chris doing them 😉, I cannot help but see God or Godly things in… Continue reading Farm Life