They say our kitchen rags and sponges are full of bacteria. A typical kitchen sponge has 54 billion bacteria per cubic centimeter! Makes you want to go throw it away, doesn’t it?
But this is what we are like according to Isaiah 64:6 in the NIV. It says:
All of us have become like one who is unclean,
and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf,
and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
Any good we try to do is still like using a filthy rag because we are unclean. Sometimes it seems we cannot win for losing. We can never get ahead of our unrighteousness. It can be downright depressing to know we will never arrive. We will never be who we should be. At least not yet.
The only way we can be who we should be here on earth is through Jesus whose blood washes us clean. As Christians we who are like filthy rags get bleached so to speak with Jesus’ blood.
I am thankful God doesn’t throw away the filthy rag or dirty sponge that I am but cleanses me!