The Shoes

As parents when our kids are young, there are a lot of decisions to make. Some are harder than others. We never know how those choices are going to affect our kids down the road.

When I was little and just learning to walk, the doctors told my parents I had to wear corrective shoes with a bar attached to both of them.

Today, I have a lot of trouble with my feet. I’m not sure if it’s from wearing these awful shoes or not, and I suppose it really doesn’t matter. There’s nothing we can do about it now except make new choices on treatment with current issues.

In this pandemic we are all trying to decide whether to vaccine or not, booster or not, Pfizer or Moderna or Johnson & Johnson. We don’t really know what the future holds as far as side effects or harm, if any.

Just like our parents and their parents before, we make decisions based on what information we have from doctors and others who are supposed to be smarter than we are at least in their fields. Our kids will do the same with their kids.

The bottom line is to pray and trust God. No matter what happens, we know Who is really in control.

1 comment

  1. I had the exact same toddler walking shoes with that horrible bar! Great comparison to issues parents face today about their children and vaccines!

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