There are many terms and phrases people use when someone has died. We say that person has/is passed away, deceased, at peace, departed this life, lost the battle, etc. Even Jesus used the phrase he is only sleeping. We don’t like to use the word dead.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t blog about a death that happened 8 years ago today. My Daddy died September 9, 2011. It was a Thursday, and one of the hardest days of my life.
But also one of the best. If you’ve never been with someone who died, then you’re blessed but also missing out, especially if that person was a Christian who was suffering.
It’s not easy to watch someone die, but I remember laughing through my tears. My daddy was no longer suffering. He was going home. What must it have been like? Did Jesus meet him, take his hand, and walk with him? I like to think so!
Some people are scared of dying. I don’t think I am anymore. There are days that are very hard to get through, and on those days, I am more than ready. I’m not suicidal, just ready for this world and all it’s evil to be done! Ready for Jesus to come back!
While there’s nothing wrong with the phrases of death we say, I prefer to say they died or are dead. I definitely don’t like when someone says, “She lost her daddy.”
No, I know right where my daddy is. His earthly body is dead and buried, but his soul is with God.
And I cannot wait to see them both one day!