Today is my birthday. I woke up 52 years old.
When we are kids, we get so excited about birthdays. I guess it’s the presents and attention we hope to receive.
At what age do we start not wanting to celebrate birthdays? Maybe it’s not that we don’t want to celebrate. Maybe it’s the ‘been there, done that’ mentality, and we don’t want all the attention on us anymore. Maybe it’s the maturation of life that makes us feel like saying, ‘let’s just move on.’ Give me the well wishes and gifts, and let’s keep going.
I am thankful for another day from God. I am thankful to those who text, call, or post on FaceBook to tell me happy birthday.
I am blessed for just another day!

Hope you enjoy a special day, but, even more, may your 52nd year be filled with joyous blessings from Him!