I taught library for over 10 years in elementary schools. I was blessed to be mentored under a wonderful teacher who became my friend and taught me so well. Next year, I’m not going to be teaching library but am moving to a new position that is full time. I’ll still see all the students, but I’ll miss the books.
I have a Kindle, the digital reading device that allows you to download books and other materials to read, but there’s something about holding a book in your hands. There’s something about seeing a child’s face light up when you show them new books or the next book in a series. I hope schools never go fully to digital books.
When I start a new book, the first thing I do is find the bio of the author often in the back of the book. Sometimes it helps me to see and understand who they are and from where they are coming.
I think about all those authors out there who’ve written books. They’ve taken the time to share a part of themselves with us. I think about those men who wrote the Bible. While inspired by the Holy Spirit to write, I believe they also put so much of themselves into it.
Paul, for example, calls himself the worst of sinners. I can imagine him writing that with thankful tears in his eyes. When he wrote from prison with so much joy, how could he not have put so much of himself into his words?
Solomon is another author I think of that perhaps took so many deep sighs when writing Ecclesiastes telling us everything in life is meaningless. For such a wise and wealthy man to say all is meaningless had to be heartfelt.
The next time you pick up a book or read one on your digital device, take a look at who the author is and why he/she wrote that book. What part of self was given in writing it?