Seeing God

Do you see God throughout your day? Do you ever really look for Him? I try to always look for Him in the things or people I see. I want to see the reminders that He is there and in control. That He is always with me.

I once read a story about a person looking for God. I don’t remember it all, but the gist of it is that the man cried out to God that he could never see Him. God said that He had sent a butterfly to land on the man’s shoulder, but the man shooed it away. God sent the wind for the man to feel, but the man just wrapped up in his jacket more. God sent other things too, but the man was either too busy or just to blind to see.

This morning at the farm God blessed us with seeing 4 deer right outside our patio door! I was so excited. What a blessing to see the sun rising behind those deer. We were able to get a couple of good pictures of them which I have put below.

Thank God for the reminders He shows you today and every day!

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